Friday, September 25, 2009

pardon, would you mind handing me my soul?

it seems to have flown out of my body and onto the strings, lights, and flows of the energy emitting from this piece.

listen to all of HIM!

his name is: Volker Bertelmann.

Friday, September 11, 2009

feel beautiful.

this, i feel, takes my soul, surrounds it with fluffy and serene marshmallow and floats it higher and higher up, drifting through the atmosphere lightly and wondrously.

wonder is beautiful to feel.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


hell yeah.

check it out.

read all about it.

words of no meaning.

Do you believe in meaning? What about reality?
John Berger says, “When you buy an object, you also buy the look it represents.”

So it can be taken from that, that our possessions have meaning? (if they’re representing something) and our Meaning is what creates or supports, at least our Reality, yes?

Okay, fine.

But I have a question for you. With that being said, and seeming agreeable,

Then what, where, or how is the meaning in that of which we do not possess?

Ie: What’s the meaning, or reality, if you will, in the grass we lay, trees we touch, the nature of it all,?

I wonder because I’d like to think that’s all that’s “real”.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Standing in the tall grass
Thinking nothing
You know we need oxygen to breath
Whenever you are walking you're just moving the ground
Whenever you are talking you're just moving your mouth
Where ever you look you're just looking down

i was staring at the moon, and i was staring at the leaf sprouted on the tree, and i saw the similarity... we are just being. me and the sprout, existing is all we are. being is all, so lets be it all.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

school services go to work.

they have a beautiful library here. and it has a beautiful scanner. so i scanned some beautiful things.


Recorded while highly focused on the beats per minute.